We care about the future and sustainability
Reporting is the easy part of sustainability – but are your projects and business models good enough to survive?

Our Roadmap: Necessary blueprints for accelerating action in sustainability projects
Watch the Manifesto video
Watch this video that explains why you should join us. By joining our mailing list you will get whitepapers, the bi-weekly TrendWatch and lots of opportunities to attend our events.
The Impossible Footprints
You hear about comparisons between countries. This is my favourite tool in LAB 2.0 to discuss why certain parts of the world are causing the worse damage,
Go here to study the details: https://overshoot.footprintnetwork.org/newsroom/country-overshoot-days/
Is Circular Economy Realistic?
This year, ISO are publishing a new set of standards, circular economy and UN SDG governance, on top of the ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management standards.
We have started to train experienced coaches who can help you navigate the maze. We have a very long way to go and wrong timing will mean wasted time and money.

Reporting - how important?
Reporting of course does not stop pollution. Only action does. Reporting does not stop climate change. Standards are helpful, and if reporting can prevent green-washing and green-wishing, then that’s good.
But much of what we need is so obvious that reporting can lead to delay. Perfect reporting is not useful. Action is! So, Green Mentoring is about helping companies accelerate change.
We know it's urgent
Nine years after Paris, we still typically think things can be fixed. Nature takes decades to build back. Glaciers take a thousand years, if ever.
I used this image first time in a presentation for a global audience and have used it several times since. We’re still headed in the wrong direction. We have to accelerate.
We might never be able to tidy up, but we can try to stop the destruction. Let’s work together.

How our programs work
1 - You're a coach
You have practiced as a coach or you are a manager who uses a coaching or mentoring approach.
2 - Take the new LAB 2.0 course
The LAB is our core program. Mini-LAB, workshops and retreats are also available.
Either way, you will get a deep insight without spending lots of money and time on expensive consultants.
3 - Certify for ISO sustainability
Part 2 of the LAB prepares you for the ISO standards. You may choose to certify as sustainabiliity coach.
4 - Join the Community
You have an ongoing project, or planning one. Whether company, local community or public sector .
With a LAB certificate you can join the VIP Community, or Very Important Projects that we support for up to a year.
Who is it for
Our main audience for the LAB 2.0 is experienced coaches, business mentors, management consultants, business owners, managers and senior executives.
The Roadmap is part of our collection of general services. It is included in Green Mentoring LAB 2.0, in the Mini-LAB, in our workshops for business leaders and in our intensive retreats. The Roadmap is for everybody and you can use the videos and slide decks freely once you have been through one of the above.
The best place to start is joining our mailiing list and we will keep you up-to-date with further offers. NB we have a global network.
Meet Our Coaches (details coming)
All our coaches (except our AI enabled chatbot!) are alumni of LAB 2.0 and are members of the VIP community. VIP as in Very Important Projects…